Bruce's Crown

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Last updated:  23rd May - Galloway MRT on the Ring of Fire attempt - Galloway MRT Team.htm

15th May - Entries open  - News


The Bruce's Crown race will run for the second time on Friday 4th April 2025. Teams of four will navigate their way round the Galloway hills over the southern peaks of Lamarchan to Cairngarroch, then Rhinnes of Kells to finally cut across to the north end of the Range of the Awful Hand and finishing up on the highest Peak Merrick before descending to the finish. The "perfect" route is measured at 46 miles with 4600m of ascent. All profits of the race will go to Galloway Mountain Rescue Team.


This race is licensed and run under Scottish Hill Runners Rules and Insurance. For more information and to join - Scottish Hill Runners